Reasons & Excuses

Reasons are an explanation for choosing what I choose for me.

Excuses are an explanation for not doing what someone else chooses for me.

I excuse myself from doing what I believe that I have to do, I ought to do, I must do, or I should do, on the grounds that they are all tolerations and therefore unreasonable actions.

What is reasonable for me is what I believe that I have good reason to choose.

My reasons for choosing may be rational or emotional or both.

My reasons for choosing anything are my own. I own them.

When my reasons for choosing are not my own, I am pleasing the person who has chosen for me.

I will need an excuse for not choosing another’s choice as from their perspective, my perceived greed will need to be pardoned.

When I overcome the greed of pleasing others, I will have no need to excuse myself.

My reason for choosing is neither greed nor is it designed to please others. It is an expression of my true authority.

There is no excuse for being greedy or being pleasing to others.

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