Reasonable & Responsible

Being Reasonable requires the ability to know the reason for whatever is occurring.

Being Responsible requires the ability to feel in control and respond in a beneficial way.

My ability to be reasonable is relative to my ability to reason with mental authority.

My ability to be responsible is relative to my ability to respond with emotional power.

Seeing the reason for what is occurring requires an intuitive insight that is beyond the egotistical viewpoint of either my Self or others.

When I see the reason for whatever is occurring, I am empowered to respond accordingly.

When responsibly empowered, I have the ability to be reasonable.

When my reasoning is aligned with my highest authority, I can choose with a confident authority that allows my ability to respond with power.

Aligning my reasoning with my authority empowers my response.

The ability of both my power & my authority allows me to respond with feeling and know my reason and see the bigger picture with clarity.

With clarity of the bigger picture, I can act both reasonably & responsibly.

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