Really Healthy Beliefs

Really Healthy Beliefs allow the experience of a healthy reality. A healthy experience of reality requires a healthy perspective of reality. A healthy perspective of reality requires really healthy beliefs. Our beliefs determine our experience of our reality. Only really healthy beliefs cause really healthy experiences.

My really healthy beliefs are:

  • I grow healthily with age without growing old
  • My emotionally sensitive detachment is my immunity from other people’s unhealthy dramas
  • My exclusive intuitive spiritual connection is my source of mental guidance, emotional support & physical provision of good health
  • I am fulfilling my healthy destiny, not following an unhealthy fate
  • My body is a self-healing sovereign entity
  • I am only ever a victim of a negative unhealthy perspective of life
  • My Emotional Intelligence empowers my awareness of being naturally healthy
  • My truth is that when I am fear-free, my reality is pain-free and the fact is that I am then problem-free and healthy
  • My health is an opportunity of choice when I choose every healthy opportunity in my life
  • There is always an opportunity to self-heal and overcome ill health
  • My Soul’s path is never unhealthy
  • Healing requires the wellbeing of a wealth of wisdom
  • My healthy body requires a healthy mind expressing healthy emotions
  • My life is an experience of healthy thriving, not striving or surviving ill health
  • My being physically awake, mentally alert & emotionally aware ensures my healthy vitality
  • I am innately healthy when I allow my Self to be
  • Unwellness is a negative unhealthy perspective, which I am well able to change with a positively healthy perception of life
  • I am here to experience a healthy vital life, not a slow decline into an inevitable unhealthy death

When I take responsibility for owning my beliefs, my body responds with its own healthy ability.

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