Reality is Circumstantial

Reality is Circumstantial.

It keeps coming round until I change it.

The paradox is that unless I change it, my reality both stands still and goes in circles.

Reality is what Reality appears to be.

It is an illusion of the time and the place of the experiencer.

Reality changes over time and differs from place to place.

The ‘Reality of Now’ is being created by the thoughts and the beliefs of the people who are alive today.

The reality of today has evolved over time from the reality of the past.

When I change my mind, my belief about what is real, a new reality comes along and the old reality stops coming around.

Circumstances change when thinking changes.

When I change who I am being in relationship to the world, the world changes in relationship to me.

The more convicted are my beliefs about reality, the more convicting my reality is and the more convicted I become by my reality.

I am guilty of creating my own reality.

The evidence however is purely circumstantial.

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