Reality Follows Belief

Behavioural Psychologist have learned through experience that behaviour follows belief. Mostly, people act without consciously thinking and are driven by their physical & emotional needs, in alignment with their mental beliefs & programming.

My sub-conscious mental programming consists of the sum total of my opinions, beliefs & convictions; which determine my actions and how I behave. People act differently when they have differing beliefs about what is occurring.

What is occurring in my reality, is my reality and it is my perspective relative to whatever is really occurring to me. Whatever I see, hear, taste, smell or touch determines my experience of physical reality; relative to whatever I believe to be true. What I believe to be true is relative to the information, data & intelligence that I have gained through the experience of my five physical senses. Or so I am lead to believe.

I have adopted the belief and therefore the experience that my reality conforms to everyone else’s reality. When I hold the beliefs that form someone else’s version of reality, then this becomes my experience of my version of reality and endorses my beliefs about my reality.

In reality, the majority of the population of the world are following someone else’s belief system, with the primary belief being that there is only one reality. Everyone is following their own beliefs and experiencing their own reality even though they are following the same beliefs and experiencing the same reality as everyone else. This is the great paradox of reality that everyone’s reality is the same but different.

Society expects, and indeed demands, a standard of behaviour from its citizens that conforms to its agreed laws, ethics, morals & principles. These instilled standards of behaviour have become our belief system, so we believe in them. We believe that the standard is good & right because we have been told so, so we tell ourself so.

In this experience of social existence, beliefs appear to follow reality as we learn our beliefs through real experiences. What I experience as my reality, I believe to be true. My truth is that I believe only what I personally experience to be true. The real Truth is that I experience exactly whatever I believe to be real. My experience of reality follows my belief system.

Adopting an apparent standard, instead of a Real Truth, locks me into the experience of living in other people’s reality; based on their version of what is in principle ethical, moral & lawful. Society penalises & punishes any citizen that does not conform to the standards of behaviour that follow the agreed doctrine, dogma & beliefs of that society.

Whereas everyone is apparently free to believe their own beliefs; they are confined, on the grounds of safety & security, to behaving in a way that society believes to be right & good for everyone. This has the effect of ensuring that everyone’s beliefs actually follow the standards of behaviour set down & enforced by that society’s justice system.

Even though psychologists know that behaviour follows beliefs, in general, beliefs follow the standards of behaviour that are set by society. We are all taught from an early age what is really good & right in contrast to what is really bad & wrong.

I conform to the standards of behaviour of my society in alignment with the beliefs that my society has educated me to believe to be true. When I conform to the one version of reality, which is commonly believed to be true, that version of reality becomes my experience because reality follows belief.

To change my experience of reality, I am required to change my beliefs about reality. This is not an easy process because my beliefs are held sub-consciously and my emotional power is relative to the authority that those beliefs allow me.

When I am mentally locked into the external reality of the world in general, I confer my authority to that reality, via my belief that it is true, and renounce my true source of emotional power. When I deny my true source of authority & guidance, I also deny my access to my true source of power & support.

When my society mentally believes that it is experiencing a purely physical life of limitation, that also becomes my reality & my experience; unless I consciously choose otherwise. An inclusive experience gained through inclusive behaviour based on an inclusive belief system causes an inclusive reality that is truly inclusive.

A personal, unique, individual & exclusive experience of reality is excluded from the syllabus of society’s education system; in church, in school, at work & in the home.

The experience of one true inclusive reality follows the belief in one true inclusive reality.

The personal belief in an exclusive, unique & individual reality for every single human being allows that to become a real experience.

We create our own reality when we believe that we do because reality always follows belief.

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