
Realisation is how I consciously create my own reality.

I am consciously creating my own reality when I realise that I am.

I realise that which I focus my attention on.

The focus of my attention becomes my reality.

I am required to ‘see’ my reality for it to become my reality.

When I can only ‘see’ with my physical eyes, I can only realise what I can physically see, and I realise that only what I can see with my physical sight is real.

With my physical eyes, I will realise the limitations of my material world. I will believe only what I can see with my own eyes.

With my spiritual sense of Seeing, I realise that there is more to life than meets my eye and more to Life than that which is physically visible.

When my reality is limited to that which is visible and has already been created, I experience no new development and growth. There is no invention, innovation, imagination or insight.

Personal Spiritual Growth requires the development of my intuitive senses so that I can see, visualise and imagine a reality that my Soul seeks for my Self to realise and become my Reality.

When I come to the realisation that I am a Spiritual Being living a physical existence, all possibilities become possible.

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