Real or Imaginary?

When I can imagine an imagination that is powerful enough to create a physical reality and imagine it to be real, then what is real becomes imaginary and what is imaginary becomes real.

Real and imaginary become divided into a dual reality in the duality of a relative world.

I am asked to believe that they are different states of being when in reality everything that is real is the creation of someone’s imagination that has become real.

Whatever I can imagine has the potential to become real one day and one day what is real will become an image of my past.

When I think that only reality is real, then imagination becomes a waste of time.

When I get that reality is imaginary, I am able to imagine my true reality.

Before I can realise my dreams, I have to realise that I am dreaming.

Whether I see it as real, imaginary or a dream, the picture contains an image that I can see, an emotion that  I can feel and a thought that I know to be so.

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