Rationally Detached

Rational and Detached are two different states of Being.

They are not a duality and therefore not the same energy seen from an opposing perspective.

When being rational means being detached from my emotions, I am being unemotional and emotionally disconnected.

I cannot be both rational and detached unless I have a distinction between the two.

When I have no distinction between the two states of being, I am being disconnected emotionally.

When I am being Rational, I am conscious of my own physical reality, that I am creating with my thoughts, words and actions.

When I am being Detached, I am conscious of the fact that all other people are creating their own reality with their individual and unique thoughts, words and actions. I am emotionally transparent and unaffected by other peoples’ emotions.

When I am being rationally-detached I am lost within someone else’s logical reality as defined by a current and prevailing scientific world view.

Being rationally-detached is being unattached from my life-force energy and disconnected from my own creative ability.

Detachment is my gift when used in a Sensitive way without emotional attachment.

When I am being rationally-detached, I am exclusively disconnected from my gift of my own personal sense of Power.

My personal power comes with my emotional state of Being, which I disconnect from emotionally when I am being rationally-detached.

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