Raising My Vibration

Raising my Vibration means raising the quality of my energy vibration.

It requires emanating a purer vibration or vibrating at a higher state of being.

The quality of my energy is determined by my personal attributes & attainments.

Wavelengths of attributable energy are relative to the frequency of states of being attained.

The purer the wavelength & frequency of my energy, the higher the quality of my vibration.

Raising the intensity of my energy lowers the quality of my vibration.

Intensity is relative to gender & polarity, not frequency & wavelength.

When frequency is divided by polarity and wavelength is divided by gender, my vibration is divided and therefore depleted by its intensity.

It is the attainment of a neutral balance that raises the quality of my vibration, not the intensity of the dramas that I am experiencing.

My life dramas allow my lessons to unfold.

A lesson is always an opportunity to balance the frequency of my thought with the wavelength of my emotion and take the opportunity to raise my Vibration to a purer level, by choosing a better state of being to be.

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