
Energy Radiates.

Radiation is the natural state of energy.

Energy is eternally in motion, which is a state of continuous radiation.

All forms of energy have a force, a magnitude and a potential.

The force of radiating energy is called a photon. I can see photons of energy that are within the visible light spectrum.

Force is measured as frequency. The frequency of energy determines whether I experience it as a radio wave, a microwave, an infra-red light wave, visible light, ultra-violet light, x-rays, gamma rays or thoughts.

As the frequency of radiation increases its wavelength decreases and as its wavelength increase its frequency decreases.

The vibration of radiation is constant because its frequency is relative to its wavelength, even though its appearance may vary to the experiencer.

Vibration = Frequency x Wavelength.

The Magnitude of Radiation is measured as Emotion. I feel emotion.

Emotion is felt to emanate or emote, rather than to radiate.

Science currently measures only the force of energy.

Force = frequency = form.

Magnitude = wavelength = experience.

Force x Magnitude = Potential.

Different physical forms of energy or different physical effects of energy are experienced relative to the frequency and the force of the energy radiation.

Science is rational. It studies energy without any magnitude of emotion.

Without a magnitude of the radiation or energy in motion (e-motion), science cannot see its full creative potential.

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