
Racism is an emotional issue. It appears to be an issue of racial colour or racial culture, but it is really an issue of Dominance.

Dominance is an issue of Dominion. Dominion means choice. Dominance determines who is authorised to make choices. When I defer my choice to another, I make them dominant by giving them dominion over me. Whereas, I may accept being under the dominion of my own culture, being under the dominion of an alien culture is a different matter of a racist kind.

Racism is an issue of which Race chooses the rules, dominates a society and determines the culture. It is about which race becomes subservient to the rules of the dominant race.

A race is a competition and the supreme competition is to become the dominant race. The current winners of the race, who are the world leaders, are the race of white Caucasians. The current losers and most dominated races on Earth are the black Aborigines, the yellow Inuits, the red Indians, the brown Indigenous Natives and the white Romany Gypsies.

The most racist culture is the white Semitic race, who believe that they are the chosen winners of the race and at the same time the most victimised losers. The most populous race, to both express and experience racism, is the black race who historically were the subservient slaves of the white dominant race.

Racism is not a matter of colour or culture because all five coloured races have their own distinctly different colour and racial culture, none of which is either superior or inferior to another. No colour or culture is inherently better or worse than any other colour or culture. They are all equally different, equally beneficial and equally detrimental.

Identifying with a distinct colour or culture does not make someone a racist. It just identifies their race & culture. The Jewish culture & religion is a uniquely distinct Semitic culture that is predominantly but not exclusively white. White Jews do not discriminate against black Jews. Conversely, white Catholics frequently discriminate against white Protestants as a matter of different cultures.

What makes racism an issue of dominance is emotional gender, not racial colour or physical sex. What makes white males supremely racist is their belief in the dominance of their race & their sex. The characteristic of Masculine physical sex and the personality of Male emotional gender are equally evident in all races. Neither are relative to either race, colour or culture.

When emotional energy is divided by male & female gender, male energy is dominant and female energy is subservient. Male energy is assertive and female energy is appeasing. Male superior energy dominates inferior female energy. In the race to dominate the world, Male energy wins because its logic is male & rational not female & emotional. Women leaders lead with assertive dominant Male energy, and the men who follow adopt their own subservient female energy.

In the absence of female intuitive emotional intelligence, male rational logic has intellectually reasoned that male energy is superior to inferior female energy. Intellectual reasoning, based on rational intelligence, dominates female intuitive emotional feelings. Not only are white supremacists racist, they are also sexist.

The male energy of pride dominates, stands out proud against, the modesty of unassuming female energy. The male sinful energies of envy, gluttony, lust, greed, wrath & sloth, dominate the female virtues of kindness, abstinence, caring, pleasing, meekness & diligent duty. Male superior arrogance dominates female inferior humbleness.

The male, white dominant world religion of Christianity, preaches that female emotional energy is virtuous for all its followers, whilst its leaders know that assertive leadership requires the male sinful arrogant energy of the rational theology of its Preachers.

What the dominant Male gender, in both men & women, seeks to dominate and control is the authority of choice. When my authority of choice is dominant over your authority of choice, I win and I get your authority to control you and I get to make your choices for you. This is called the election of Government. We dominate other people by getting them to be subservient to our rules. Government is the control of a society’s culture, by a chosen few, arrogant people, who seek dominance over others with their Male energy.

A society that is truly equal has no superior or inferior class, no governed or governing class, so it needs no government with the authority to dominate, govern & control.

Equality is not about race or sex but personal choice. We each have the equal ability to make our own choices when we each individually exercise our right choice for our Self. It is personal choice that allows all people to be equal in the authority of their own choice, by owning their own authority.

The equality of choice is equanimity. Equanimity is a personal choice of a balanced emotional gender of energy. With the equanimity of balanced emotional expression, I am neither dominant nor subservient, neither superior nor inferior, neither assertive nor submissive.

When my authority is no longer controlled, dominated or dictated by other people, my personal emotional power is able to be freely expressed in my own balanced & beneficial way.

When my male mental authority is balanced and in harmony with my female emotional power, I am in personal control of my Self. I have self control, I am self governing and I am the equal of all other Beings. This is the scenario that all racist, proud, covetous, gluttonous, lustful, greedy, wrathful, slothful, arrogant, sexist control freaks of any race, creed or culture; dread.

When I give away my choice, I defer my authority and I give away my power in deference to someone else’s authority. Without a constant supply of other people’s emotional energy, the authorities who govern their people have no power.

When equanimity dominates, choice is restored to all Individuals equally and both racism & sexism become extinct. Racism and sexism are both the growing pains of an emotionally & spiritually immature society trying to culturally grow.

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