Quality Of Life

Quality of Life is personal to each individual person.

It is my individual qualities in life that determine my quality of life.

The quality of my life is relative to my own experience.

How well I experience my life is relative to the state of my Beingness.

My state of being determines the quality of my experience of life.

It is not my experience of life that determines my state of being but my state of being that determines my experience of life.

States of being that are attributable to my Self are called attributes.

States of being that I can choose with conscious-awareness because I have attained them are called attainments.

Attaining better quality attributes allows a better quality of life.

Consciously choosing who I am able to be in relationship to what is occurring in my life makes me a creator of my experience instead of a victim of my experience.

My quality of life is relative to my personal qualities in life.

My personal attributes & attainments determine my personal qualities and my Quality of Life.

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