Purpose, Reason & Meaning

The Purpose of Coaching is to guide and support the client to realise:

  • Where they are now
  • Where they choose to be
  • How they are going to get there

Their Reason for choosing a Coach is because:

  • They are frustrated because they are stuck where they are now
  • They have lost their direction and don’t know where they are going
  • They are confused and don’t know how to proceed

Without a clear picture of where I am now and where I want to be, I cannot formulate a strategy of how to get there.

The Meaning of Coaching, when Coaching means something, is realised when the client:

  • Gains Presence and focuses in the ‘now’.
  • Gains Direction and sees where they choose to be
  • Gains Clarity and knows how they are going to get there

With Purpose, Reason and Meaning, the Coach connects the client to the authority of their direction, the power of their clarity and the ability of their presence, so that they are no longer lost, confused and frustrated.


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