Pure Emotion

Pure frequencies of thought are transmitted on pure wavelengths of emotion.

When I know my mind & I see a clear perspective of life, I feel good.

Pure thought is called Light, pure emotion is called Love.

Life is the pure, or impure, experience of Love & Light.

Impure thinking is the ego’s judgment that causes a duality of positive or negative emotional experiences.

Judgment is the consequence of limiting beliefs & fears.

Fears & limiting beliefs determine that I must discern what is right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative for myself.

Negative thinking causes a disconnection of emotional power and a need for emotional energy.

Disconnected from a pure emotional state of being, I am disempowered & I will think negatively.

When I think an impure or negative thought, I disconnect my Self from my power and I experience an impure or negative emotion.

When the polarity of my thinking is negative, I experience the gender of my impure emotions.

When aligned with the pure inspired thought of my Soul, I experience the empowered feelings of pure undivided emotion, which I call Love.

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