
My Psyche is my Soul.

My Psychic ability is determined by my ability to connect with my Soul.

It is my ability to see life through the eyes of my Soul, know with the mind of my Soul, and feel with the heart of my Soul.

Psychic power is the ability of my unconscious or super-conscious mind.

As the Psyche or Soul exists beyond the limitations of time & space, its powers transcend both. It exists in and is able to access a multi-dimensional reality.

From the perspective of my physical form, I appear to have an individual soul. This is my individual perspective of life.

From the perspective of absolute reality, in which my soul exists, I am at oneness with all creation and all realities.

From the perspective of my Self, there is my one self and many individual souls.

From the perspective of my Soul, there is but one Soul and many individual aspects of its Self in physical form.

From this perspective, one who is psychic can easily connect to the individual reality of each individual Self.

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