Proving, Improving & Approving

Proving is a process of discovering the truth and becoming good.

We are born into an imperfect world where we learn to improve.

Improving is a process of getting better on my way to becoming good.

I am an imperfect Being experiencing an improvised life trying to prove who I really am.

I am continually trying to prove that I am better than I am.

All the time, I am being the best that I can be given the present circumstances.

The belief that I am not good enough creates my need to improve and my need to be better.

In a world where all possibilities exist, I am confronted daily by my potential to be better than I am currently being.

My challenge is not to prove how good I can be but to approve how good I already am.

In my disconnection from my Soul’s approval of my Self, I seek to prove myself and improve myself to gain the approval of others.

From my Soul’s perspective, I do not need to prove my Self, nor do I need to improve my Self, I just need to be approving of who I really am.


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