Providence Provides Provision

Providence is the Soul’s Provider of Provision for its Self.

As well as mental guidance & emotional support, the Soul provides physical provision for its Self, through life.

Providence provides, through the Soul Entity, as long as the Self approves, allows and accepts it. Provision is provided through me or as me, never by me or to me.

It is not possible for the sub-conscious id to manifest what the conscious ego believes that it wants needs or desires. Visualisations of the intellectual rational self alone are not empowered with creative providence.

Providence only provides provision for what is authorised at the Soul level of Consciousness. Without the Soul’s mental authority (authorised choice), there is insufficient emotional power for Providence to provide the required provision.

The will power of a disconnected ego self is motivated, by the sub-conscious id, to get what it believes that it needs. Will power anchors the ego in a perspective of life happens by me, which is never providential. When the ego chooses to provide for itself, by itself, it requires plenty of time, motivation and effort.

When the Ego chooses to provide as its Self through the Providence of the Soul, it is instantly empowered to effortlessly receive its provision. When the Self provides approval & acceptance, without disapproval or judgment, it allows providence to provide provision in alignment with the Soul’s choice for its Self. Without judgment, acceptance becomes unconditional.

“Providence always provides an Abundant Provision”

In Absolute Reality, the Soul sees the ideal path that it has chosen for its Self, through this relative dual reality existence. This beneficial foresight is the Soul’s Divine Sense of Insight, called Pro-Vision. This allows the Soul to provide, in advance, everything that it requires for its Self, for each life-time.

“The Soul provides, even before the Self asks”

In my disconnection from my Soul, I am required to ask for my provision with my own intuitive insight, through meditation & prayer. It is not that it has not been provided but the fact that in my disconnection, I cannot intuitively see what has already been provided. In absolute reality, there is no need to ask for provision because it has already been provided.

Asking for a provision can be a statement of not having a provision, which always means that I am not in alignment with my Soul and off track. Unless I intuitively know that I am on track, providence is unable to provide because I am choosing an option that is not aligned with my Soul’s chosen path for its Self.

I have no need to choose my provision when I know that Providence is waiting for me to unconditionally allow my allowance to manifest and be realised.

When I unconditionally accept and approve my allowance, I allow Providence to Provide my Provision, even before it is needed.

When I choose my Soul’s Chosen Choice, I am allowing my questions to be answered with Intuitive Pro-Vision.

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