Proposal & Recommendation

A Proposal is a statement of what I choose to do or make happen in my future.

A proposal is my business and my concern and is in line with what I have the power and the authority to accomplish.

It is a statement of intent to other people of what I choose to occur and the reality that I choose to create for my Self.

A Recommendation is a statement of what I believe will be beneficial for other people to do or make happen in their future.

A recommendation is a piece of advice to someone else that offers the good of one’s own intention but carries no power or authority.

It is a statement of: “This is how I would do things given this situation and these circumstances”.

An Observation of what is, is neither a proposal nor a recommendation. It is just an observation.

A proposal and a recommendation concern an activity in the future, whereas an observation concerns an activity in the present moment.

My Soul makes no proposals or recommendations, only observations in each and every present moment.

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