Prophecy & Prophesy

Prophecy is a prediction of the future from a Prophet.

Prophesy is an intuitive knowing one’s own beneficial choice in the present.

When I believe that I need to predict the future, in order to make a choice in the present, I have no personal insight. Without insight, I use intellectual reasoning to predict the best choice for a beneficial future. Without the ability to intellectually reason what is best for myself, I look to the prophecy of a Prophet.

The most common prophetic prophecy in use today is astrology. Astrologers are modern day Prophets with the apparent gift of prophetic star reading. Alternatively I may consult a spiritual medium or oracle for their intuitive gift of Prophesy.

  • Clairvoyants are Seers who have the intuitive gift of clear seeing
  • Clairsentients are Sensitives with the intuitive gift of clear feeling
  • Clairaudients are Gnostics with the intuitive gift of clear knowing

With my own gift of intuition, I am able to channel my own messages of clear direction for my Self, from my own inner guide. Without the guidance of my own spiritual senses, I will have no way of knowing whether a Spiritual Medium is channeling my prophesy or their own prophecy.

Religion, having no distinction between their religion and their spirituality, has no distinction between what is prophesy & what is a prophecy. Personal prophesy, from a divine & beneficial source with intuitive insight, is not seen as credible for religious followers. Apparently only religious leaders have the gift of prophetic prophecy, which is the path that their congregation will collectively follow.

Prophesy is the insight of personal foresight.

Prophecy is a communal or congregational prediction allegedly given as the word of an external god.

All Individuals who follow their own lead, on an exclusively divine & uniquely beneficial spiritual path have the intuitive awareness of their own personal prophesy.

Individuals who follow the leadership of a Prophet on an inclusively collective religious path have no way of knowing whether they are guided by prophesy or prophecy.

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