Promoting & Attracting

In a dual reality world of cause & effect, promoting is the cause and attracting is the effect.

When attraction is by promotion, they are the same energy and are seen as the same action.

Promoting is what I do to attract what I want.

Promotion is hierarchical.

I promote my Self to appear better and to be seen higher up the hierarchy.

The higher I appear to be, the more status I appear to have and the more attractive I appear to be.

Beyond the world of dual reality, attraction is a state of Being.

It is not what I do that makes me attractive but who I am being.

By the Law of Attraction I always attract like energy to my own state of being, irrespective of how much I try to promote myself.

Being attractive and becoming more attractive is a state of appreciation and gratitude of what I already have.

Promoting myself is a statement of being without what I think that I need.

Promoting myself to being better than others by seeking a higher status than others is never attractive.

Promoting my Self puts myself before my Soul and disconnects me from my true source of Attraction.

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