Promoting & Appreciating

Promoting is growing in status and stature.

Promoting my Self is elevating my status to a position of recognition by others.

Promoting my business is getting the recognition of the status of my products and services to a potential consumer.

Promoting my products and services is getting a potential customer to recognise their value. It is called marketing.

Appreciating is growing in value and worth.

Whatever grows in value and worth appreciates.

I appreciate whatever grows in value and worth.

Other people appreciate in me those aspects of my self that have value and worth to them.

As my value and my worth appreciates, what I have to offer others appreciates in value and worth.

The purpose of self development is personal appreciation.

As I appreciate myself, my Self appreciates and grows.

The level to which others appreciate me is directly relative to the level of my self worth and the degree to which I appreciate my Self.

Appreciating my Self is Attraction in Action.

The more that I value my Self, the more attractive I become to other people.

The less that other people value myself, the more that I will need to promote myself.

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