Prime Attainments

1. Being Sensitively-Detached requires me to be:

  • Accepting of what all others are doing.
  • Approving of who all others are being.
  • Allowing of what all others are (having) choosing.

2. Being Exclusively-Connected requires me to be:

  • Acknowledging of what is occurring in my life.
  • Attesting the attributes that I have attained.
  • Affirming the path that I have chosen.

3. Being Emotionally-Rational requires me to be:

  • Effortlessly appreciative of my expansive spiritual development & growth.

When I am effortlesly accepting approving and allowing of all others, I remove all resistance from my path and experience effortless expansion and growth with Sensitive-Detachment.

When I am acknowledging, attesting and affirming the appreciation of my Soul, I am acknowledging, affirming and attesting my Exclusive-Connection to my personal path of expansive growth.

As I appreciate my consciousness of the rational physical world and my awareness of the emotional spiritual world, my Conscious-Awareness appreciates, develops and grows.

Prime Attainments are the prime attainments that I require for my personal spiritual development and growth.

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