Preposition & Proposition

A Preposition and a Proposition are both choices. They are choices of the position that I choose to be in. I always choose to be in a positive position, relative to my circumstances in life.

A positive position is a perspective that I believe will serve me well in life, in a beneficial and positive way.

A preposition and a proposition may both be positive perspectives that allow a positive choice. This paradox often causes a dilemma.

My Soul always pre-positions its Self in a positive and a beneficial direction. My sub-conscious Id proposes a course of action that may be either positive or it may prove to be negative.

Positive & negative are relative perspectives based on personal beliefs. I choose a proposition that I believe to be most beneficial, advantageous and positive based on what is currently occurring in my reality. I propose to make a choice based on my best assessment and my best assumptions. What I believe to be my best proposition may turn out to be relatively positive & beneficial or relatively negative and detrimental. This is because the sub-conscious is limited by its experience of past events when making proposals for its future.

The Soul always has a bigger picture as its perspective of life, which is beyond the duality of positive or negative choice. The Soul’s perspective of my destined path allows it to pre-pose a beneficial way. It is the Soul that offers its Self a preposition and it is the sub-conscious Id that offers a proposition.

A proposition is subject to the relative duality of positive or negative polarity, whereas a preposition is an absolutely true choice. An absolutely true choice is in alignment with the Soul’s pre-posed path for its Self.

A preposition has the quality of foresight & insight, whereas a proposition is limited by the quality of its hindsight.

A preposition is in true alignment with the premise of a Divine Perspective. A proposition is aligned with the assumptions of a mortal perspective.

The challenge of every proposition is that other people’s proposals are based on other people’s assumptions, which may be right for them and wrong for me. Following another’s propositions or proposals will align me with their path, not my own unique, individual & exclusive destiny.

It is my fate to follow the propositions of others. It is my destiny to follow the preposition of my Soul. My Soul always pre-positions its Self in the most beneficial & advantageous way. Other people proposition me in the most advantageous way for them.

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