Predator & Prey

A Predator, or pre-dater, predates the 2nd Age of Comfort & Security. It only fits into the 1st Age of Survival. Predation is a survival skill that instinctively ensures the survival of the fittest.

A Predator has the instinct of Fight without the instinct of Flight. It needs Prey to survive.

A Bird of Prey uses the instinct of flight to avoid the instinct of fight. It is a predator without a predator.

A Human Being has a choice of being either predator or prey, victim or villain, intimidator or poor me. They pray that they do not become the prey of a predator.

  • A Pray-er says a prayer of protection
  • A Prey has no protection from its predator, except flight

As a Pray-er, humans have an intellectual choice of prayer. Animals are either a predator or it’s prey as they do not have a prayer.

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