Practising Coaching

I am a Practising Coach.

I have a Coaching Practice.

I practise coaching within my Coaching Practice.

My Coaching Practice allows me to practise my coaching.

The purpose of practising my coaching is to master it.

The purpose of my Coaching Practice is to Coach Mastery.

I will master my coaching when I become a Master Coach of Coaching Mastery.

When I become a Master Coach I will attain a mastery of coaching.

I will practise my coaching until I master my coaching and I can practise coaching with mastery.

Practise will not make me a perfect Coach.

The ability to practise is perfect.

I will never be a perfect coach, no matter how much I practise.

A perfect practice allows my attainment of the Mastery of Life.

I am the Master of my Practice and a student of Life that is still practising.

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