Powerful & Influential

Powerful people are emotionally aware.

They manage their emotional power with conscious awareness.

Creating one’s own reality requires emotional power.

Consciously creating reality requires emotional awareness.

Being empowered is a powerful feeling.

Being powerful is an empowered connection.

Influential people are rationally knowledgable.

They are full of the influence of their own belief system.

Influential people believe that they are powerful but they have no knowledge of the source of their power.

They believe that influence over other people gives them power over other people.

They have been taught that knowledge is power.

Having influence is not a powerful state of being. 

Influential people get the emotional energy that they need by influencing other people.

With awareness they realise that they are influenced, driven & motivated by their emotional needs; not empowered by their powerful emotions.

Pure emotional feelings are powerful.

Experiential beliefs are influential.

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