Power, Potential & Intensity

All Energy has a Power, a Potential & an Intensity.

The Power of my emotional energy is relative to my ability to choose with authority.

The Potential of an emotion is relative to the magnitude of its power and the force of its authority.

The Intensity of an emotion is relative to its gender and the polarity of its sponsoring thought.

The greater the intensity of an emotion, the more unbalanced are the gender or polarity of my state of being and the less balanced is my course of action.

Intensity is the resistance encountered in life by wavelengths of emotion that are divided by gender and frequencies of thought that are divided by polarity.

The more balanced the gender & polarity of my energy, the more charge neutral its intensity and the greater my potential to act with power.

My Potential ability has authorised, controlled Power with a harmonised, charge neutral Intensity.

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