Power & Money

Many people believe that power requires money and therefore money provides power.

Greed is the need for more and more power, and has become synonimous with wanting more and more money.

Wanting more than enough of anything, including money, is gluttony.

Wanting to be superior, or have more power than someone else, is greed.

We have confused personal power with having authority and influence over other people.

It is a commonly held belief that money is power and power is having influence over other people.

Greedy people need to be superior to others in order to influence and have power over them.

Greed is the falsely perceived power to make choices for other people, which people with money believe that they have the authority to do.

When money is a measure of our personal power, it is also a measure of our self worth.

Our self worth and confidence becomes dependent on our bank balance.

It is the scarcity mentality of the poor and impoverished that feeds the greed and the gluttony of the rich and powerful.

Once my emotional power is no longer sourced from my material wealth, others no longer have any authority to make my choices for me.

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