Power & Authority

Where I get my emotional power is determined by whose authority I choose to follow.

When I follow the authority of another, they will have to motivate me with their power.

An employer motivates their employees to follow their authority by paying them wages. Money is therefore seen as power.

When I follow the authority of another without being given any power, I will revert to my control drama to provide my power.

My control drama is how I compete with others for my emotional energy, or how I steal another’s energy before I will follow their authority.

When I follow the authority of my ego self, I will require will power to achieve my goals and objectives.

My will power or self-motivation is obtained by getting my emotional needs met.

My sub-conscious ego (my id) drives me to get my emotional needs met in order to obtain the power to function under my ego’s authority, which is the ego’s choice and the ego’s will.

When I follow the Authority of my Soul, I am empowered and inspired.

When I am inspired and empowered, I am connected to the Source of my Authority and my True Power, which is my Soul.

When I am disconnected from my Soul’s Authority, I will require will power to achieve my goals and desires.

My will is powered by meeting my emotional needs or where an emotional need remains unmet, by my control drama.

My ability is always determined by the quality of my power and authority.

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