Positive & Negative Sins

Sin is the male energy of my emotional state of being. Male energy is the active, assertive emotion of the ego’s choice of I will.

When life happens by me, I am expressing my Male gender of emotional energy; in contrast to my passive, complaisant or compliant female energy.

Male energy seeks to express the authority to influence & lead other people. Female energy, in contrast, seeks the power to follow another’s authority. Historically, religious leaders preach their gospel with their Male energy, whilst their congregation follows their preaching, as a virtuous expression of their Female energy. Not following the moral guidance of the church leaders was considered by them to be a sin.

The Male energy of Pride is a positive attribute when I stand out in a beneficial way. I am proud of my ego Self when I stand out in a good way.

The Male energy of Hubris is the Self-righteousness of standing out in a sanctimonious way, to the detriment of others.

The Male energy of envy is seen as a good motivator, when I am encouraged to have what others have through my own hard work. The Male energy of jealousy however, is seen as a negative attribute because it is possessive & needy.

The Male energy of luxurious extravagance is seen as a beneficial sign of plenty, yet the Male energy of gluttony is seen as the excess of too much or over indulgence.

The Male energy that has a lust for life is seen as a beneficial attribute, unless it lusts after the sexual gratification of another, which is not.

The Male energy of avarice, which seeks greater power through wealth is considered to be a high achievement; whereas the greed of being superior and wanting power over others, is not.

The Male energy of anger, due to an intolerable frustration, is seen as assertive & directive for the benefit of those who need proper management & guidance; but the wrath of an intolerant & frustrated superior is seen to have particularly negative consequences.

The Male energy of sloth or lazy idleness is seen as being detrimental for high achievers; even though rest, relaxation & reflection are also seen as essential for those same high achievers.

All Male energy is any attribute of emotion caused by the active, assertive choice of an egotistical will.

Male energy has the will power required to provide & protect, whereas female energy has the authority to nurture and pacify.

Male & female energy can both be seen to be equally good or bad or neither good nor bad, as well as morally right or wrong. It is just a matter of personal choice of perspective.

I can see Male energy as a sin or I can see it as a virtue, relative to the attitude of my beliefs. The attitude of my beliefs is caused by my individual morals, ethics and principles. I can see a sin as bad & a virtue as good or I can see them both as contrasting perceptions of the same energy vibration.

It is my judgement that sees an action as either good or bad.

It is my intuitive perception that sees the gender of the emotion that I am currently expressing.

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