Positive Discernment

Positive Discernment is the alignment of my choices with my Vision for my Life.

A Discernment is a choice that aligns my Self with my Soul.

Following my Life Path is my positive choice for my life.

Deciding what is good or bad for me is a judgment of my ego self.

My ego decides what is good or bad by what it believes that it wants or doesn’t want.

Deciding what is a positive or a negative direction for my life is about discerning what is aligned with my Destiny.

Discernment has no judgment. It has no right or wrong and is never negative.

Positive Discernment sees the opportunity in every experience and situation that occurs.

Positive Discernment is never challenged with a problem.

Positive Discernment neither tolerates nor suffers intolerance.

With Positive Discernment, I flow effortlessly through Life on my Journey of Personal Development & Growth.

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