Positive Affirmations

Yes & No are both Positive Affirmations.

They both positively affirm what I do and do not want.

No is a positive affirmation of what I do not want.

Focusing on what I do not want will put what I do not want into my future.

Yes is a positive affirmation of what I think that I want.

I only ever get what I really want, not what I think that I want.

Gratitude is an affirmation of wanting what I already have.

A positive affirmation of wanting what I already have will have a positive outcome.

My acceptance of what I already have with gratitude & appreciation is a realisation that my intention is already assured.

Any other positive affirmation may result in a negative outcome.

I can only ever affirm and attest to what I already have, as long as I acknowledge it, unconditionally accept it, approve of it and allow it to appreciate and grow.

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