
Politics is the art of being polite. It is practiced by the ruling classes. The standard of behaviour, expected by the ruling classes, when relating to the ruling classes is called etiquette. The standard of behaviour used by the ruling classes to govern the working classes is called politeness; which has evolved to become political correctness. Being politically correct is the standard employed by our politicians when politely governing the populous.

Historically, the upper ruling class of the Court of the Ruling Monarch governed the people directly. Today, monarchs reign but no longer rule. A Government of Politicians is elected by the people to represent the people, but they are not the ruling class.

Politicians today are servants of the ruling class who ensure that their politics is politically correct. The ruling class owns the public media and owns the freedom of the press, to decide what is, and is not, politically correct. Politicians are politically correct when they follow the diktat of their political party. It is politically correct for a political party to elect their own political leader, who is always endorsed by the media and the ruling class, who own the media.

The work of parliament is politically correct under the leadership of the Parliamentary Speaker. Parley means to speak. The work of Government is politically correct when it follows the doctrine of the ruling elite, which is no longer the Monarch. It is politically correct for the Monarch to appear to be Head of State without having any political involvement. To govern their country, the ruling elite must appear to have no political involvement, which is considered politically correct.

Politicians are politically correct when they follow the diktat of the ruling class as printed in the popular press. It is the ‘press’ or pressure of the ruling class that determines the freedoms of the populous. This gives the ruling class the freedom to rule indirectly, with politicians as their agents and the media as their servants.

Politicians are driven by popular opinion as decided by the owners of the so called popular free press. Nothing is ever freely printed in the press that contravenes the philosophy of its ruling owners. In return for the freedom of the ruling class to rule, its government offers its people security in return.

The ruling class ensure their freedom with the security securely imposed by its government on the people, by law. The general population of the working class is misled to believe that their security, that is managed and controlled by government, ensures their freedom.

Security & freedom are opposing genders of the same energy vibration. The paradox is that I am free to give up my freedom and become secure in the security of an elected government. This choice allows me to become either a freedom fighter or a terrorist in the eyes of the government. I am free to fight for the laws of the land to be securely upheld or I can terrorise the freedom of the ruling elite to govern the people. I am either securely controlled by a political government or I am declared unlawfully out of control and confined within the security of its justice system. The ruling elite will take their justice or revenge against any who oppose their sovereign right of authority that they have declared over their subjects. All subjects are politely subjected to the laws of the land that ensure the freedom of the rulers at the expense of the freedom of its people.

The aim of a benign government is to control the populous politely and securely, to allow the freedom of the ruling class to rule freely.

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