
Polarity means direction.

In a dual reality world, there is always a choice of direction.

In a three dimensional reality, I have a choice of back or forth, right or left & up or down.

In a four dimensional reality, I can travel in or out as well.

Choosing a direction is either a positive or a negative perspective.

I can choose to follow my positive path that is empowered or my negative path that is disempowered.

My positive choices are emotionally powerful, whereas my negative perspectives are emotionally draining.

My positive thoughts allow positive emotions that are empowering because they are authorised & congruent.

My negative thoughts produce negative emotions that disempower me because they are not authorised and are out of alignment with who I really am.

Choosing to not choose is choosing the same choice as I have previously chosen and will deliver what I am already experiencing.

Choosing a neutral polarity will keep me in contentment but will also keep me in pergatory.

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