Plebeians & Patricians

In Roman Society, Patricians were the elite ruling class and Plebeians were the common masses.

Patricians are the ruling class who lead the way.

Plebeians are the subjects of the ruling class and follow their lead.

Patricians make the rules.

Plebs follow other people’s rules.

Neither role is sovereign.

A sovereign entity follows their own path.

They have no need of others’ rules, laws, ethics, principles, morals or standards and make none for others to follow.

They require no followers and lead their own life along their own exclusive, individual & unique chosen path.

Plebeians follow the path of their rulers.

Patricians follow the principles, ethics, morals and standards of their ego’s will, which they turn into rules & laws for others to follow.

Sovereignty follows the vision of its destiny.

It is neither my vision nor my destiny to rule others or to be ruled by others.

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