Pleasure Is Not A Joy

Joy is a pain free experience of emotional happiness.

Pain is a symptom of the resistance that I am experiencing to my freely flowing state of being happy. In a state of pure joy, pain cannot exist. In a relative dual reality world, pain & pleasure are the same experience viewed from opposing perspectives. They exist as a contrast in polarity, experienced with either a positive or a negative perception of reality. It is either really painful or really pleasurable, relative to my personal beliefs about whatever is occurring. Whatever I oppose in life is a pain and whatever reduces my painful life, I consider to be a pleasure.

Low emotional power causes painful experiences. Pain is a warning to be aware of my state of unhappiness, caused by my low emotional power. With enough emotional power, pain cannot exist.

It is a challenge to remove whatever is causing the tolerations of an emotional energy drain.

  • When I believe that my pain is physical, I cannot remove the cause of my painful emotional experiences
  • When I believe that an external remedy can alleviate the cause of my pain, I will continually relive it and not relieve it
  • When I believe that pleasure is the antidote to pain, I will be seduced by the pleasures of my physical existence
  • When I choose an addictive substance to relieve my pain, the pleasure is just a fleeting sensation

There is no joy in the addiction to any substance, whether it be nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, adrenalin, sugar or recreational drugs. They are all driven by the sub-conscious need to relieve the pain of my low emotional energy. Without the emotional intelligence to meet my emotional needs myself in an efficient & effective way, I will default to the normal practice of taking addictive substances for a short term energy boost.

In my pursuit of pleasure and the relief of pain, there is a complete absence of the emotional Joy of Happiness.

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