Pleasing Others

Pleasing Others is choosing to do something to please someone else.

When what I do pleases someone else, I am pleasing them.

Pleasing others pleases me.

It meets my needs emotionally and it meets another’s emotional need.

Pleasing is fundamental to a co-dependent relationship.

Co-dependent partners meet each other’s needs and please each other’s greed for more emotional power.

It becomes a battle to see who can be most pleased by the pleasing of another.

Co-dependency requires compromise.

Pleasing others seriously compromises my ability to be happy.

When my pleasure is dependent on another, it will only ever be pleasing or displeasing me, which is not true happiness.

True Happiness comes from within.

Pleasing others is always a toleration and a problem, which has no opportunity for personal growth.

I tolerate pleasing others only because they meet my needs emotionally.


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