Pleasing My Self

Pleasing my Self is being selfish.

Pleasing my Self is being greedy.

Pleasing others is being unselfish.

Being greedy displeases others.

Selfish people do not please others.

Being greedy and being selfish are not the same thing.

Being selfish is wanting my own way.

Being greedy is driven by the belief that I am more exclusive and better than another.

Pleasing others is tolerating their choices for my ulterior gain.

Whether I am being greedy or pleasing others, I am in conflict with their choices and competing for their emotional energy.

Pleasing my Self is ego driven fun & pleasure.

Pleasing others is a toleration, a problem and a pain.

Pleasing my Soul is a pure joy.

Being truly Selfish is following my faith in my own unique, individual & exclusive path in life.

When experiencing the joy of my own destiny, I am being neither greedy nor pleasing.

I have no need to compete with my Soul to enjoy the path of my Soul.

My Soul never pleases my Self.

A truly selfish path overcomes all duality and pleases both my Soul and my Self.


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