Pleasing & Displeasing

Displeasing is being or doing something that another will not like.

I please other people so that they will either like me or love me.

If I need to be liked, I will please a person so that they like me.

If I need to be loved, I will please a person so that they will love me.

If I need to be appreciated, I will please a person so that they appreciate me.

Whatever emotional need that I need from another person, I will please them so that they meet it.

I fear the displeasure that I will feel, when I do not please a person enough so that they will meet my individual needs emotionally.

When I need approval from another, it is because I fear their disapproval, which will displease me.

When someone approves of who I am being, and appreciates what I am doing, it pleases me.

When I connect to my emotional power through another person, it pleases me.

When someone fails to meet my needs emotionally, it displeases me.

When I connect to my True Source of emotional power, I know that my Soul is Approving & Appreciating of my Self.

When I know and feel my approval and appreciation of my Self, when I know and like my Self, when I know and feel that my Soul meets all my emotional needs, I no longer need to please others and fear their displeasure.

Needing someone to please me is being “Greedy”.

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