Pleased to be of Service

Being in service to others will either please me or displease me.

Being employed to be in service is being paid to please others.

Good staff are paid well to please their employer & master.

Servants are paid little to please their lord/lady & master.

Slaves are paid nothing to please their owner & master.

All are in service to please their master irrespective of how much or how little they are paid.

The more I am paid the more pleased I am and the less I am paid the less pleased I am.

It pleases no-one to please another for nothing.

Slaves do not work for their master for pleasure.

Few have retained their happiness as a slave to their master.

Those that have, have attained a high level of spiritual mastery themselves.

I am pleased to be in service to others dependent on what I receive in return.

I am happy to be of service to others when in the service of my Soul.

Being of service to others is an honour.

Being in service to others is a duty.


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