Pleased & Satisfied

I am Pleased by what other people do for me.

I am pleased by what I do for my Self.

I am pleased by what I do for other people.

I am pleased when what I do meets one of my emotional needs.

I am Satisfied by what others give to me.

I am satisfied by what I give to myself.

I am satisfied by what I give to other people.

I am satisfied when what I have meets my physical & emotional needs.

When I am busy giving & receiving what I need & want, I am neither content nor fulfilled.

There will always be something that needs to be done to please me.

There will always be something I need to have to satisfy me.

Until that is, I learn to be content and to be fulfilled.

Pleasure & Satisfaction has a value.

Contentment & Fulfilment are a true value that connects me to my Happiness.

Being pleased & satisfied will never make me happy, just relatively less miserable.


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