Planning the Future

Planning means taking active control of what will happen in the future.

I can only plan the future. I cannot plan the past or present.

Planning the future will always take me out of the present moment.

The need to plan the future is created by the belief that if I don’t plan it, it won’t happen the way I want it to.

The need to plan is born out of the need to be in control.

Creating the future is not the same as planning the future.

I create my future with the focus of my thought in the present.

When I plan my future, the focus of my thinking is on the future and the absence of what I do not have in the present.

Planning my future will always put more of what I don’t have in my present into the future.

Focusing on what I have in my present puts more of what I have into my future, which is why a little prayer of gratitude and appreciation is the only planning that is required.

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