
A Master knows that the plan is to follow the plan, not to create the plan.

A Master Planner is thus an oxymoron.

I don’t have to be on a Spiritual path to follow the Plan. The plan will unfold naturally according to plan.

I plan for my future when I do not believe that everything that I will want and need is already in my future, awaiting my arrival.

When I believe that whatever I want in my future I have to obtain myself, I will need to plan my future.

Having everything that I want and need right now does not disqualify me from having everything that I want and need in the future.

What I really want and need in my future will appear whether I plan for it or not.

When I stop planning, I stop getting what my ego thinks it wants in my future and I allow what my Soul wants for my Self to appear effortlessly.

When I stop wanting in the future what I believe that I do not have right now, I will have no need to plan.

When I stop planning to achieve my objectives, I have time to clarify my True Intentions, which are the essence of my future. What is essential to my future is already waiting for me.

When I have faith in the Plan, I do not need to know the Plan and planning becomes unnecessary.

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