Physical Consciousness

Physical Consciousness is what a human being is conscious of sensing with its physical senses whilst awake in the physical world.

When physically asleep, my physical consciousness is no longer conscious. I am said to be unconscious or asleep.

In their search for the source of their consciousness, scientists are looking for what they do not believe exists and will therefore never find.

My brain is the processor of my physical consciousness not its source.

My brain receives and processes my 5 physical senses through my sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

My brain is processing physical reality but it is my mind that is creating it.

With no distinction between the mind and the brain, science is looking at the brain as the creator of consciousness when Consciousness itself is the Creator of Physical Reality.

Looking for the source of physical consciousness in the brain is like looking for the source of a TV programme in the TV set.

Physical consciousness is an oxymoron because True Consciousness is not physical.

Consciousness creates the illusion of physical reality.

Science studies physical reality as defined by our physical senses.

It is the study of spiritual reality with my 3 intuitive senses that will uncover the Source of my Spiritual Consciousness.

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