
Philos is the love that exists between similar polarities of energy.

Like polarities of the same energy attract.

They flow together in the same direction.

A choice of direction allows love to flow together or to flow apart.

It allows the experience of being alike or unalike, and liking or disliking.

It allows the congruency of similar polarities or the conflict, interference and resistance of opposing polarities.

Energy that flows without resistance is experienced as being positive.

Energy that interferes and causes resistance is experienced as negative.

Balanced polarities of Philos energy have a pure frequency.

A pure frequency of energy is an expression of wisdom.

The wisdom of Sophia combined with the love of Philos is the philosophy that is sought by all expansive Souls.

Philosophy is the study of our Soul’s expansive development & growth through the wealth of our love (Philo) and the wisdom of our light (Sophia).

There is no greater expression of Philo than the Soul’s love for its Self.

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