Perspectives of Reality

Perception is Reality.

Reality is whatever I perceive to be real.

What I perceive to be real is my perspective of reality.

As I change my perspective of reality, my experience of reality changes.

As my experience of reality changes, I perceive it in a different way.

As I perceive the changes in my reality to be real, my perspective of reality changes.

The reality is that I am required to change my perspective of reality before I can perceive my new experience of reality to be real.

Reality is multidimensional.

I perceive my reality to be of 3 physical dimensions.

I perceive my reality to be of 2 emotional dimensions.

I perceive my reality to be of 1 mental dimension.

As I change my perception of physical, mental and emotional reality, my perspectives of reality change accordingly.

My Perspectives of Reality are continually being created, as I journey through an infinite world of potential perceptions awaiting my realisation.

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