
Personality is driven by emotional needs.

We all have our own set of emotional needs that may be similar or different to other people but are always unique to our Self.

Emotional needs determine personality because emotional needs are personal to the reality of each Individual.

An extrovert personality needs other people to meet their emotional needs.

An introvert personality meets its own emotional needs.

An overt personality has no emotional needs.

An overt personality is open to and accepting of all situations & occurrences.

Personality & mood is driven by the need for emotional energy and the sub-conscious strategies for competing with other people to gain emotional energy.

People with similar or opposing needs attract people with similar or opposing needs.

The need to care for others attracts the need to be cared for.

The need to approve of others attracts others who need approval.

Emotional needs are energetic & directly subject to the Law of Attraction.

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