Personal Self Healing

Personal Self Healing (PSH) requires personal responsibility for maintaining personal health & wellbeing. It starts with a certain knowing that we are all pre-programmed, at a cellular level, with the sub-conscious ability to be innately healthy. We do not have to do anything to be healthy, except allow our healthy body to maintain its own inherent vitality. Growth, decay and rejuvenation are all part of natural cellular activity. When we allow our body to naturally grow, maintain itself and decay at a cellular level, we remain healthy.

This requires a Positive Mental Attitude ((PMA). When my mental attitude is positive, I intuitively see that my body is growing itself, maintaining itself and healing itself, at a sub-conscious cellular level, when I allow it to. Natural re-growth, maintenance and replenishment becomes the true definition of healing. Health is preserved or cured through this natural process of PSH.

Allowing PSH at a cellular level requires Tender Loving Care (TLC):

  • Being Tender requires the ability of gentleness
  • Being Loving requires the power of grace
  • Being Caring requires the authority of goodness

I gently and gracefully allow my PSH to be maintained with PMA & TLC.

A negative mental attitude to PSH perceives the body to be sick, ailing & diseased. This negative perspective called illness creates the personal experience of not being well. With this perspective of illness happening to me, I block my own ability to personally self heal and I will seek the services of an external authority to cure me. I will also need the agency of an external care source to supply the TLC that I am unable to give to myself.

Without my own emotional power of grace, my own good mental authority and my own gentle physical ability to allow personal self healing to flow through me, my TLC will be in short supply.

Without my own wealth of true emotional power, my own wisdom of true mental authority and my own physical ability to be truly healthy; my mental attitude will have an opposing negative polarity.

My PMA allows my perspective that:

  • The physical effects of self healing are not the physical symptoms of illness or disease
  • Viruses, bacteria & fungi are part of a solution, not the cause of a problem
  • I am clearing a true path of self healing, not fighting a pathogenic war of resistance

My TLC for my Self listens intuitively to my body, hears its messages and responds accordingly with the most suitable life choice for me.

My PSH is how I maintain my physical, mental and emotional body in harmony & balance at the organic, cellular and molecular level of my existence.

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