Personal Qualities

My Personal Qualities determine the quality of my life experience.

What I give out, I experience in return.

The emotional attribute that I have attained and I express determines the quality of my life experience in that moment of time.

This is the Golden Rule and the Law of Attraction in action.

Personal qualities are the product of personal attributes & attainments.

The mental beliefs that I have attained are carried on a wave of emotion that is attributable to who I am being in that moment of thought.

Mental attainments are the beliefs that I have, relative to the emotional state of being that I am expressing.

Together they determine my personal qualities and my personal quality of life being experienced.

The frequency of my thought conveyed on the wavelength of my emotion determines the quality of my energy vibration.

Quality of life is a subjective personal experience that I subject my Self to and is relative to my personal energy vibration.

Raising my vibration increases the quality of my life by improving my personal qualities.

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