Personal Development

Personal Development is my growth as a Human Being.

It is about my growth as an individual person.

The development of my Self as a person is determined by my personality and my character.

It is the development of my role as a Human Being.

How well I play the role of being human is determined by my personality and my character.

My personality is determined by my emotional needs.

I develop my personality according to my emotional neeeds and in order to get my emotional needs met.

My character is determined by my mental beliefs.

I develop my character as I develop my own opinions, beliefs and convictions.

As I develop my personality and my character, I develop as a person and as a Human Being.

As I consciously meet my emotional needs and challenge and change my limiting beliefs, I gradually discover my True Identity.

Personal Development may be achieved consciously, as a part of my destiny, or it may happen sub-consciously as my fate.

I am continually developing as a person throughout my life.

The question is: “Am I consciously choosing my own Personal Path of Development or not?”

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